From episode: TGMS Ep: 134 One of the Greatest Entrepreneurial Business Speeches Ever
success is not measured by a person's height, weight, education or family background, but the size of his thoughts. The size of our thoughts determine the size of our achievements. The most important of all is that we must value ourselves, overcome the greatest weakness of mankind, self depreciation, and never sell ourselves cheaply. Or in today's world, never sell yourself short. You are greater than you think. You should expand your thinking to the extent to your fullest potential and never underestimate yourself. Never underestimate yourself. At this time, applause is suddenly sounded and I was obviously completely captured by it. I was so overwhelmed that I could not control my tongue. I continued. For thousands of years, many philosophers have advised us, know yourself. However, most people interpret as just knowing the negative side of ourselves. Most self assessments include too many shortcomings, mistakes, and incompetence. It's good to recognize your shortcomings and you can use them to seek improvement. However, if we only recognize the negative side of ourselves, we will fall into chaos and make ourselves worthless. Now, I got to thinking about that and how we think about ourselves and what we think we can do and what we think of others and what we can do or cannot do is entirely up to us. It's how we think. John was saying this. Mr. Rockefeller was saying this. How we think about ourselves is very important and not just the negative side of things. We need to think more positive about ourselves. Now, there's a fine balance here because I'm not talking about thinking you're perfect and that you don't make mistakes. Those people fail more often than anyone. I'm talking about thinking positive about yourself to be the best person you can be, to have the best company you can be, to be the best leader you can be. Okay. John Maxwell says, focus on your strengths and not your weaknesses. We often focus on our weaknesses more than our strengths. If I could just get better at this, I'd be more successful. If I could just do this, I'd be more successful. And that's not the case. John Maxwell says, also that if you focus on your weaknesses, you're wasting a lot of time because you could be focusing on your strengths. In other words, on a scale of one to 10, one being the lowest, 10 being the highest. If you're a three and you work all year long trying to get that three up, the highest you're going to get it is a four or five. So you're still below average. But if you're a seven and you work extremely hard for a year, you might be able to get it up to an eight or a nine. That's much better and that's much higher than average. So think about that. Quit focusing on weaknesses and focus more on strengths. You got to know your weaknesses. We all know our weaknesses. If you don't, that's another issue you need to deal with. But I know all my weaknesses. I know all my strengths. I know we talked about last week, the SWOT analysis. Or if we had some more podcasts in between there, it's been a few weeks, but we've talked about the SWOT analysis. So I know my personal opportunities and I know my personal threats.